
the Baby of

Yukie & Brad



Dogs and humans may be the only animals that laugh.  Dogs imitate the smile on their owner’s face when they greet each other.  The dog only smiles at its human friends.  It never smiles at another dog or cat. Usually it rolls up its lips and shows its teeth in a clencheh mouth

Juno - Baby of Yuki & Brad 

 Dominee & Dinki Toy, 

Babies, of Kiki & Brad

El-Pico Grimy & Abigail se kind 

 The Yorkshire Terrier welcomes everyone into his world.  He is a trusting soul, who shares his affectionate ways with anyone kind and good humored enough to spend time with him.  Yorkies like people most of all.  Whilst they get along with most other dogs, they are not  selfish.

Most Yorkshire Terrier owners admit that being possessed by a Yorkshire Terrier is infectious.  Yorkies are not great family dogs, they are family!  Owners consider their Yorkies to be a   part of the family, like any other child in the household.   It is no surprise that owners depend on their Yorkies for companionship and affection


 Bitsy 3 Maande - Tefie van Chloe & Levy

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